Monday, November 10, 2014

I've been dying to blog lately. Just because I feel like it's a good way to express my feelings, and give family updates on what's going on with us. I've written and deleted like 10 posts. It's hard to write when you don't want people to know you're struggling. So here is my truthful semi happy update! 

Halloween: carson was a cow. Seriously adorable, although he was so excited pictures were hard to take. But we got a few. He loved every minute of it, and loved people telling him he was cute! He loved the candy, but had a serious case of diareah the week to follow. Whoops. My parents came and spoiled him rotten with birthday presents and halloween and Christmas stuff. They hit all the fall holidays! He loved it, and was in heaven he got to see grandparents a few weeks in a row.

Carson: he is walking everywhere.  He loves jumping on his new bed, climbing on everything. He loves dancing and singing. And talking on the phone. Lately we have to hide the phones, because it is a huge tragedy if he can't have a phone in his hand. Silly boy. I discovered he loves meat. I made home made hamburgers for dinner last night and he had 2! But i do make a mean hamburger...sooo.. :) His day is not complete with out one direction.  I'm getting sick of their songs so I'm glad they are having new stuff come out because my brain may explode if I listen to the same songs much longer. Carson is usually such a happy baby. We've had a few fussy weeks which have made me frazzled, but I think we are going to be back on track soon.

Micah and Keisha:
Micah has been busy at work, and church. He received a new calling at church which is a little more busy than in nampa. He is the ward clerk. I told him he couldn't run away from his calling! ;) I don't get to see him a lot which is hard. But I know he's working hard for our family. And it will eventually be better, ad different.  We have some exciting news coming soon (we aren't pregnant....that I know of) but we aren't quite ready to announce it yet. But I know prayers are being answered, and it's great. I have been trying to stay busy. Which has been working. This child of mine is a handful. But I love almost every minute of it. I have been struggling with myself lately. I hate to admit it, but I've always had problems with depresion. I usually do really well, but when it started raining here for like weeks straight, I just went. I had a miscarriage in September and did well and didn't let myself feel, I will call it icky. But when the sun disappeared, I kind of did too. I know that it's happening and i don't have much to be sad about. But I am. And I'm working on fixing it. Something that helps is knowing I am a daughter of God. And having a husband who loves me no matter what.  My goal for November is to get back on track, and stop being a negative nancy. I hate writing this and letting people know I sort of suck at life, but I always feel relieved to get it out.

This week micah and i set some goals to help out my problem. Achieving goals is one thing that always makes me feel great. My goals are to:
Have family scripture study and prayer everday.
Personal prayer everyday
Work out every day
Use my musical talents every day

1 comment:

  1. You do not suck at life... the ups and downs ARE life. I am sorry about the miscarriage. I had one in September too for the second time in my life. The first time I experienced one my husband reminded me on a particularly hard day that, "the future is so incredible, you just don't have the eyes to see it right now." Your future is equally incredible. Sending love your way!
